• 0937841124
  • pakadcostoller@gmail.com
  • Tyagal, Patan, Lalitpur

ADCO Stoller Pakistan Helps Your Growing Challenges to Increase Crop Yield

Pest Management Products


Being the only broad spectrum organic pesticide in Pakistan, Golden Pest Spray Oil™ provides control of several crop pests and may be used in certified organic production.

Product Benefits:

Broad-spectrum organic pesticide for mite and insect control
OMRI Listed
Approved for controlling spotted lantern fly and gypsy moth when applied to egg masses

The Stoller Sales Team is available to help with all product questions. Call 1-800-539-5283 or visit our Contact Us page.

Description: Bio-Forge Advanced combines three modes of action for an unmatched level of..
Description: Bio–Forge ST seed treatment produces vigorous young plants and will keep mature..