• 0937841124
  • pakadcostoller@gmail.com
  • Tyagal, Patan, Lalitpur

ADCO Stoller Pakistan Helps Your Growing Challenges to Increase Crop Yield


Let us show you how to maximize each plant’s genetic potential for healthier crops with higher yields. Contact your local Stoller sales representative.

Stoller Wheat Program 

Stoller solutions optimize the potential for maximum genetic expression of every plant. 

  • Fast, uniform germination
  • Vigorous roots for early crop development
  • Management of abiotic stress factors that can negatively affect yield
  • Higher test weight and yield
  • Positive ROI
  • Stoller Solutions

    Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer Plus - Blue
    • Enhances emergence  
    • Boosts root growth and plant vigor
    • Improves plant health and physiology
    • Maximizes yield potential and quality 

    Bio-Forge® Advanced - Blue
    • Fends off yield-robbing abiotic stress
    • Facilitates recovery from injury
    • Research and field-proven positive yield response

    Harvest More Urea Mate_Blue
    • Unique 5-10-27 formulation
    • Take the guesswork out of plant nutrition with a complete fertilizer package
    • Low pH formulation – Recent data shows many in-season fungicide applications perform better in a slightly acidic pH environment
    • Formulated for maximum compatibility and versatility of application

    X-Cyte - blue
    • Increases grains per head
    • Increases stalk strength

Cucumber / Strawberry

A high-yielding crop needs a season-long plan. Scroll down to discover what Stoller can do for strawberries.

When it comes to growing strawberries, crop needs must be considered in order to ensure adequate yield. In particular, sufficient water, optimal nutrition, weed control, and weather stress management are all required for successful production and to improve overall yield and quality.

In perfect conditions, crops can produce maximum yield. But how many seasons have you experienced perfect weather and growing conditions?


Program Benefits

  • Fast, even emergence
  • Vigorous root system
  • Higher yield
  • Higher resistance to abiotic stress
  • Higher ROI
  • Stoller Products

       Nitro plus 9
    • Convenient dry formulation
    • Optimizes conditions for efficient use of fertilizers applied to the soil
    • Supports uniform establishment of crops grown from seed or transplant
    • Provides nutritional support for vigorous root development
    • Provides nutritional support for increased yield and plant health

    • Unique 5-10-27 formulation
    • Take the guesswork out of plant nutrition with a complete fertilizer package
    • Low pH formulation – Recent data shows many in-season fungicide applications perform better in a slightly acidic pH environment
    • Formulated for maximum compatibility and versatility of application

    Bio-Forge® Advanced-blue
    • Fends off yield-robbing abiotic stress
    • Facilitates recovery from injury
    • Research and field-proven positive yield response

    X-Cyte - blue
    • Increases pollen production and fertility
    • Improves flowering
    • Increases yield potential

    Additional Options

    Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer Plus - Blue
    • Boosts root growth and plant vigor
    • Improves plant health and physiology
    • Maximizes yield potential and quality

    Sett - Blue
    • Available source of calcium and boron
    • Provides nutritional support for structural strength and plant health


Stoller Peanut Solutions

Stoller Products

  • Enhances emergence
  • Boosts root growth and plant vigor
  • Improves plant health and physiology
  • Maximizes yield potential and grain quality

  • Increases ear and pod fill
  • Promotes uniform seed size
  • Improves Brix
  • Increases bulking in root crops
  • Provides cytokinin for better reproductive development
  • Mixes well with most crop protectants
  • Excellent tank-mix combination with most fungicides

  • Moves carbohydrates out of leaves to roots, storage tissue, seeds, and fruit
  • Reduces issues caused by excessive nitrate nitrogen in the plant by aiding in converting it to a more usable nitrogen form
  • Increases winter survivability in perennials
  • Invigorates new spring growth
  • Improves yield

  • Increases grains per head
  • Increases stalk strength
  • Manage weather stress

  • Unique 5-10-27 formulation
  • Take the guesswork out of plant nutrition with a complete fertilizer package
  • Low pH formulation – Recent data shows many in-season fungicide applications perform better in a slightly acidic pH environment
  • Formulated for maximum compatibility and versatility of application


Top Cop will work on any bacterial or fungus disease when the temperature reaches 50.

When producing high yields of cotton, it is very important to inhibit the foliar growth of the first branches that appear on the plant. By doing so, you will force earlier fruiting nodes and more fruit. In order to achieve this purpose, foliar spray a 1% solution of Nitrate Balancer directly on the cotton plants when they reach the 2-3 leaf stage. Repeat this spray once again after 14 days. If you do so, you will not have to apply pix to inhibit the foliar growth and force the fruiting nodes.

After the cotton plants begin putting on their early fruit, foliar spray a 10% solution of Nitro Plus. This should be done every 10 days until the plant no longer produces fruit.

When foliar applying Nitro Plus, you can mix in any micronutrient to provide supplemental nutrients to the heavy fruiting plants.

I would suggest that 1 pt/ac of Nitrate Balancer be mixed into the spray water and applied at the same time when a 10% solution of Nitro Plus is applied. Do not apply more than 1 pt/ac in each application. This will maintain heavy fruiting and inhibit fruit abortion so that the plant retains more fruit for the entire season. Boron tends to keep the plant cool so that it can absorb more energy from the sunlight.

I hope the above information is satisfactory to significantly increase your cotton.


Increase head and kernel size and weight.


Maximize Corn Yield


Get your corn off to a fast, vigorous start with Stoller. Using Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer® Plus or Bio-Forge® Advanced as a seed treatment or in-furrow can help to establish fast germination and even emergence of your crop. This helps to build better root systems that support a healthy crop and increase yield at the end of the season.

Talk with your Stoller representative about using Bio-Forge® Advanced to combat the abiotic stress your corn is facing during early-season planting conditions. Abiotic stress includes stress caused by non-living factors like extreme temperatures, excessive rain, drought, and hail. In fact, 70% of yield can be lost due to these abiotic stressors.


In the Grow phase (vegetative stages), Stoller products can improve nutrient uptake and utilization to improve plant vigor by producing healthier vegetative growth and thicker stalks. Healthier plants produce larger leaves for more photosynthesis and bigger ears that have more kernels per row and more rows per ear, which means more bushels at harvest.

Talk with your Stoller representative about using these products from V3 to V6 on corn based on the needs of your operation:


Finish big with more grain fill, higher test weight, larger seed size and reduced tip back. Stoller Products help to build your corn yield, even through the end of the season.

Talk with your Stoller representative about using these products during reproductive stages on your corn based on the needs of your operation:



Increase yield and consistency.

Stoller has more than 50 years of knowledge in maximizing yield. Our nutritional and plant growth regulator technology provides your trees with everything they need to succeed throughout the seasons. 

The Stoller team is committed to providing you with the best solutions and service wheater you are looking to complement your nutritional program or reduce the abiotic stress in your field. 

Increase Yield Potential


Improve Color


Boost Root and Plant Vigor


Increase Pack Out

Stoller Root Feed® Dry

Roots are the “Brains” of the Plant
Plant roots produce most of the hormones that plants need for proper growth, fruit development, and yield. A healthy, vigorous root system needs proper nutrition to sustain the life of the plant. Stoller Root Feed® Dry supports continuous growth of the roots, maintaining the optimum nutritional balance throughout the plant’s growth cycles, regardless of the crop stage and environmental variations.

  • Convenient dry formulation
  • Optimizes conditions for efficient use of fertilizers applied to the soil
  • Supports uniform establishment of crops grown from seed or transplants
  • Provides nutritional support for vigorous root development
  • Provides nutritional support for increased yield and plant health
  • Increase yield and consistency.

    Stoller has more than 50 years of knowledge in maximizing yield. Our nutritional and plant growth regulator technology provides your trees with everything they need to succeed throughout the seasons. 

    The Stoller team is committed to providing you with the best solutions and service wheater you are looking to complement your nutritional program or reduce the abiotic stress in your field. 

    Increase Yield Potential


    Improve Color


    Boost Root and Plant Vigor


    Increase Pack Out


    Apple_Stoller Root Feed Dry
    • 137.7 additional bushels per acre
    • + $3,420 additional gross profit per acre
    • No differences in color
    • + 3.7% pack out over control
    • Nutritional support for the root system for vigorous growth

    Stoller Root Feed® Dry

    Roots are the “Brains” of the Plant
    Plant roots produce most of the hormones that plants need for proper growth, fruit development, and yield. A healthy, vigorous root system needs proper nutrition to sustain the life of the plant. Stoller Root Feed® Dry supports continuous growth of the roots, maintaining the optimum nutritional balance throughout the plant’s growth cycles, regardless of the crop stage and environmental variations.

    • Convenient dry formulation
    • Optimizes conditions for efficient use of fertilizers applied to the soil
    • Supports uniform establishment of crops grown from seed or transplants
    • Provides nutritional support for vigorous root development
    • Provides nutritional support for increased yield and plant health

    +137.7 bua (1)
    • 29.9 additional bushels per acre
    • + $2,271 additional gross profit per acre
    • No differences in color
    • + 16.3% pack out over control


    X-Cyte™ provides cytokinin which is crucial for vegetative growth, reproductive development, and abiotic stress mitigation. It is the market leader in consistency and performance, limiting yield loss due to cytokinin deficiency.
    X-Cyte is an EPA-registered plant growth regulator and yield stimulant.

    • Promotes better fruit development

    Sugar Mover® Premier

    Sugar Mover® Premier increases the rate of sugar transport from leaves to flowers, ears, seeds, pods, and root storage tissue to increase available sugar and seed size for higher yield. 
    Sugar Mover® Premier is an EPA-registered plant growth regulator and yield stimulant.

    • Reduces excessive vegetative growth due to high nitrate-nitrogen levels
    • Improves overall fruit and vegetable quality and size for improved Brix, weight, and yield
    • Provides available forms of boron and molybdenum
    • Strengthens flowering the following year after a post-harvest application on tree crops and perennials
    • Excellent tank-mix combination with most fungicides

    Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer® Plus

    Set the Foundation for Higher Yield
    Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are essential for enhanced germination, uniform emergence, and vigorous growth. 
    Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer® Plus is an EPA-registered product with four essential plant phytohormones:

    •    Cytokinin
    •    Gibberellic Acid
    •    Indole Butyric Acid
    •    Indole Acetic Acid

    Fortified Stimulate Yield Enhancer® Plus helps plants maintain optimum hormone balance and sets the foundation for higher yield.

    Stoller can build yield during the e

Peach / Plum

Improve fruit development and size.


Increase head and kernel size and weight.


A high-yielding crop needs a season-long nutritional plan. Scroll down to learn more.

Stoller Onion Program 




From the moment a plant germinates, it is challenged with abiotic stress, such as cold, heat, hail, excessive rain, frost, and drought. When a plant is stressed it focuses its energy on survival, not reproduction, which means it’s not focused on the primary objective which is producing yield.

Crops under stress yield less. Bio-Forge® Advanced is proven to minimize crop stress and maximize yield.



  • Fends off yield-robbing abiotic stress
  • Facilitates recovery from injury
  • Research and field-proven positive yield response


Seed, Soil, Foliar, Fertilizer
Bio-Forge® Advanced is formulated for in-tank compatibility with most industry fertilizers and pesticides, simplifying your operations and maximizing productivity.

Application: Seed, Soil, Foliar, Irrigation
Type: Specialty Product


  • Total nitrogen (N) – 3.0%
    • Urea nitrogen – 1.25%
    • Ammoniacal nitrogen – 1.75%
  • Soluble potash (K20) – 1.0%
  • Cobalt (Co) – 1.0%
    • Chelated cobalt (Co) – 1.0%
  • Molybdenum (Mo) – 1.0%


Tuber size and number are critical components to yield. In order to obtain maximum yield without sacrificing quality, you need to provide your potatoes with the nutrients they need at the right time. 

Stoller Solutions



A high-yielding crop needs a season-long nutritional plan. Scroll down to discover what Stoller can do for your tomatoes.

Stoller Tomato Program 

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Stoller Products

  • Enhances emergence  
  • Boosts root growth and plant vigor
  • Improves plant health and physiology
  • Maximizes yield potential and quality 

  • Convenient dry formulation
  • Optimizes conditions for efficient use of fertilizers applied to the soil
  • Supports uniform establishment of crops grown from seed or transplants
  • Provides nutritional support for vigorous root development
  • Provides nutritional support for increased yield and plant health

  • Increases bools per plant
  • Crucial for vegetative growth, reproductive development, and abiotic mitigation

  • Available source of calcium and boron
  • Provides nutritional support for structural strength and plant health 

  • Provides cytokinin for better reproductive development
  • Increases the rate of sugar transport for higher yield
  • Mixes well with most protectants


A high-yielding crop needs a season-long plan. Scroll down to discover what Stoller can do for rice.


Program Benefits

  • Fast, even emergence
  • Vigorous root system
  • Increased tillering
  • Increased number of developed grains
  • Higher test weight and yield
  • Higher ROI




A high-yielding crop needs a season-long plan. Scroll down to discover what Stoller can do for sugarcane.

When it comes to growing sugarcane, crop needs must be considered in order to ensure adequate yield. In particular, sufficient water, optimal nutrition, weed control, and weather stress management are all required for successful production and to improve overall yield and quality. 

In perfect conditions, crops can produce maximum yield. But how many seasons have you experienced perfect weather and growing conditions?

Program Benefits

  • Fast, even emergence
  • Vigorous root system
  • Higher test weight and yield
  • Higher ROI

Stoller Products

Bio-Forge® Advanced-blue
  • Fends off yield-robbing abiotic stress
  • Facilitates recovery from injury
  • Research and field-proven positive yield response

Keylate Cobalt
  • Research on cobalt has shown it to be an essential
    component of several enzymes and co-enzymes
    that can affect the growth and metabolism of plants.
  • Stoller’s Keylate® Cobalt has low corrosivity and is
    rapidly absorbed by the root system or foliage
    because of its unique chelating complex.
  • Keylate® Cobalt has a very low salt index.
  • Keylate® Cobalt also helps mitigate yield-robbing
    abiotic stress.
  • Compatible with most fungicides, herbicides and


A high-yielding crop needs a season-long nutritional plan. Scroll down to learn more.

Stoller Watermelon Program 



Improve yield quantity and Brix.