Golden pest spray oil



Golden Pest Spray Oil™ is an EPA-registered pesticide for control of mites, sooty mold, scale, whitefly, psyllids, leafhoppers, citrus mites, aphids, beetle larvae, gypsy moths, and mealy bugs. This product is OMRI listed and may be used in certified organic production.


Product Benefits:

  • Broad-spectrum organic pesticide for mite and insect control

  • OMRI Listed

  • Approved for controlling spotted lantern fly and gypsy moth when applied to egg masses


Use Recommendations:

See the label for more information about specific crops, pests controlled, rates, and timing. Always read and follow label directions. Check with your Stoller representative for more information.

Crops Insects Controlled Dilute Spray Per 100ltr of water Time of Application and Comments
Apples Apple red bug European fruit Laconicum Scale 1/2 to 1 Dormant
European red mite 1 Green tip delayed dormant to ½ green
San Jose Scale 1 Delayed dormant 1/2 green
Fruit tree leaf roller 1 to 1/2 Dormant
Scurfy scale 1 to 1 1/2 Delayed dormant 1/2 green
Peaches Cottony peach scale 3/4 to 1 Dormant
Citrus 1/2 to 1 Use Golden Pest Spray Oil for application to citrus at post bloom, summer or fall spray application. Do not apply when trees are in or near writing
Cotton 1/2 to 1 Apply when insects first appear, Repeat weekly as needed
Strawberries 1/4 to 1 Apply once a week when insects first appear. Decrease the frequency as the pest is controlled
Vegetables such as Squash, Tomatoes, Onion, Beans, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carley, Corn, Cucurbits, Eggplant, Lettuce, Melon, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes Aphids mites, Beatie Larvae, Leafminers, Psyllids, Whiteflies, Certain Caterpillars, Leafrollers, Armored Scale, Soft Scale mealybugs, Webworms, Cankerworms, Plant Bugs, Leafhoppers, Trips 1 lit in 100 lit water Apply once a week when insects first appear. Decrease the frequency as the pest is controlled.
Weight 500 kg


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