Sugar Mover




Stress management is the most required task for higher yields. Sugar Mover® in adverse climatic conditions increases the rate of sugar transport to increase available sugar and seed size for higher yield.


Product Benefits:

  • Increases ear and pod fill
  • Promotes uniform seed size
  • Improves Brix
  • Increases bulking in root crops
  • Provides cytokinin for better reproductive development
  • Mixes well with most crop protectants


Use Recommendations:


Crops Liters/ Hectares Application
ALFALFA 16-32 fl.oz./acre

1.2-2.4 ltrs/hectare

1st application: at tuber set. The time of application is determined by pulling an average size plant in the field 4 weeks (and every 7 days thereafter if necessary) after planting. Observe the roots to see if tubers are forming. Anytime you see the small tubers forming, it is time for the 1st application. Usually tubers start to set 5 to 6 weeks after planting. 2nd application: at full blossom. Spray Russet Burbanks, which do not show full blossom, should be sprayed 2-3 weeks after 1st spray.
APPLES 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare 1st application: at full pink. 2nd application: at calyx (petal fall). 3rd application: 3 weeks after 2nd spraying. 4th application: 4 weeks after 3rd spraying.
BANANAS 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) To reduce stress: Apply when stress conditions are anticipated. Rates and timing must be determined for each site. Make applications at least 14 days apart using ground sprayers, aerial sprayers, or by plant injection.
BEANS 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: 4-5 inch stage. 2nd application: at early bloom. 3rd application: at early pod set.
CRUCIFEROUS CROPS: (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout) 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: 3 to 4-inch stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals
CELERY 16-32 fl.oz/acre (2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: Applied to the seed bed at time of seeding or up to 20 days thereafter. 

2nd application: Apply at the time seedlings are transplanted. See transplanting instructions above. 3rd application: Apply 2-3 weeks after transplanting.

CUCURBITS: Cucumbers, Muskmelon, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Honey Dew, Squash, etc.) 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: 4 to 8-inch stage. 2nd application: at early bloom. 3rd application: start of fruiting.
OLIVE 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) Every 7 to 21 days from bud break through harvest
CORN 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: At the 1 to 1.5 foot stage. 2nd application: at tassel time
GRAPES 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: between leafout and prebloom. 2nd application: at petal fall. 3rd application: 30 days before harvest.
COTTON 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: At pinhead square with repeat applications at 14 to 21 day intervals.
POMEGRANATE 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) Every 7 to 21 days from bud break through harvest.
ORANGES 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: at prebloom. 2nd application: at calyx (petal fall). 3rd application: 3 weeks after 2nd spraying. 4th application: 4 weeks after 3rd spraying.
PEACHES AND NECTARINES 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare 1st application: at prebloom. 2nd application: at calyx (petal fall). 3rd application: 3 weeks after 2nd spraying. 4th application: 4 weeks after 3rd spraying.
POTATOES 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: at tuber set. The time of application is determined by pulling an average size plant in the field 4 weeks (and every 7 days thereafter if necessary) after planting. Observe the roots to see if tubers are forming. Anytime you see the small tubers forming, it is time for the 1st application. Usually tubers start to set 5 to 6 weeks after planting. 2nd application: at full blossom. Spray Russet Burbanks, which do not show full blossom, should be sprayed 2-3 weeks after 1st spray.
PEANUTS 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: at pegging. 2nd application: 2-3 weeks after 1st spraying.
PEAS 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: 3 to 4-inch stage. 2nd application: Prebloom. 3rd application: at early pod set.
RICE 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: at 2 to 5 leaf stage with repeat application 14 to 21 days after
PEPPERS AND EGGPLANT 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) 1st application: just prior to 1st bloom. 2nd application:10 days after 1st spraying. 3rd application: 10 days after 2nd spraying.
SOYBEANS 16-32 fl.oz/acre (1.2 to 2.4 liters/hectare) Application: at first bud formation
PINEAPPLE 32- 96 fl.oz/acre (2.4 to 7.2 liters/hectare) To reduce plant stress*: Apply to vegetative growth according to climate and crop needs at the site of proposed application. To improve fruit growth*: Apply post bloom according to climate and crop needs at the site of proposed application. *Allow at least 14 days between applications.


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