



Nitro Plus 9™ is a proprietary combination of amine nitrogen, available calcium, and available magnesium formulated to protect nitrogen from leaching and volatilization.

Nitro Plus 9 increases nitrogen uptake and use efficiency. It is rapidly absorbed by the plant roots and does not require plant energy to be synthesized into amino acids and proteins, resulting in an immediate root flush and greater physiological response compared to other forms of nitrogen.


Product Benefits:

  • Provides amine nitrogen which requires no processing to become protein

  • Balances excess nitrate

  • Displaces soil sodium and helps remediate salty, sodic, and heavily manured soils

  • Increases nutrient uptake and use efficiency

  • Tank-mix compatible with nitrogen solution and other plant protectants


Use Recommendations:

Soil, Foliar, Irrigation
See the label for more information about specific crops, rates, and timing. Always read and follow label directions.

Crop Per acre dosage 1st spray 2nd spray
Wheat, Rice etc 1 liter Use 1 % solution  one week after germination 

Or transplantation 

Repeat after every 15 days 
Cotton  1litter Spray 1% solution 

After at water 

Repeat after every 10 days
Potato, beet root, sweet potato, turmeric 2 liter Use 2 % solution 

Immediately after germination 

Repeat after every  15 days 
Sugarcane 2 liter Use 2% solution early stage  Repeat after every 30 days

Chili, capsicum, cucumber

(green house vegetable)

1 liter Use 1 % solution immediately after  germination or transplantation  Repeat every 10 days till flowering 
Cucurbits 1 liter  Use 1 % solution immediately  after germination   Repeat every  10 days till; flowering 
Tomato, okra, bitter

Guard, reddish

1 liter  Spray 1 % solution before 1st water Repeat every 20 days 
Tobacco 1liter  Use 1 % solution immediately after transplantation  Repeat twice after 10 days (use2 %solution after excessive rain ) 
Mango, orange, Guava  1liter  Use 1 % solution on pink bud  Repeat after every 15 days till one month before the harvest
Apple, grapes, peach,

Pomegranate, apricot, pear

2 liter use 2 % solution on pink bud Repeat after 15 days till the fruit 6mm
Strawberry, peanuts 1 liter  Use 1 % solution immediately after germination  Repeat twice with in interval of 14 days 
Bar seem and fodder 2 liter  Use 2 % at early stage  Repeat after 15 days 
Weight 500 kg


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